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Spirit Island Nature Incarnate Expansion Board Games Greater Than Games
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Spirit Island Nature Incarnate Expansion

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There are things yet unseen among the deepest roots of the land, and they now rise to meet the coming white sails.

Nature Incarnate features 8 Spirits, 20 Aspects, new Major Powers, and brand-new mechanics for players to challenge the Invaders head-on. Titans of ancient stone, whispered of in Dahan legend, stride across the land to sweep aside opposition. Shadows gather, and keening echoes drift through the forests, as bloodied pick and steel break the ground and force what once-was to fight at the forefront of the fray.

Spirit Island: Nature Incarnate will challenge players with hard choices, new opportunities, and a brutal side to a familiar Adversary. There's more to come for the campaign, as well! Look forward to foil Spirit Panels, new wooden token accessories, and exclusive bundles of previous content.

New spirits, new aspects, new threats, and new powers await!