The nefarious organization known as Hydra has insidiously spread its tentacles through all of society, corrupting governments and subverting justice around the world. It may begin with an open attack...
Since the four members of the Wrecking Crew decided to join forces, they’ve been a thorn in the side of every great Marvel hero from Thor to the Defenders. Not...
Join the fight for freedom with the Thor Hero Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game! With the mythical hammer Mjolner, Thor has the power to defeat even the strongest...
Appointed leader of the legendary Valkyrior by Odin, Brunnhilde defied the All-Father’s wishes by leaving Asgard to join the Avengers. Since that day, she has dedicated herself to the defense...
A wartime veteran and an old classmate of Peter Parker, Flash Thompson was fused with the Venom symbiote during Project Rebirth 2.0, the U.S. government’s second super-soldier program. Now, Venom...
Orginially created by Ultron to destroy the Avengers, the android known as Vision joined the ranks of Earth’s mightiest heroes instead. Now he uses his incredible powers to protect the...
James Rhodes fought for his country as a United States Marine fighter pilot before his friend, Tony Stark, gave him an advanced armored suit. Now he fights for all of...
Raised in the Soviet brainwashing program known as the Red Room, Nadia van Dyne spent the first years of her life in training as a deadly elite assassin. After she...
Gifted with a powerful healing factor and armed with adamantium claws that can cut through anything, the hero known as Wolverine is a force to be reckoned with. Though trained...
Created as a clone of Wolverine, Laura Kinney–also known as the hero X-23–shares her “father’s” claws and healing factor. As a child, she was exploited by the malicious Facility, but...