A masterpiece of horror manga, now available in a deluxe hardcover edition! Kurozu-cho, a small fogbound town on the coast of Japan, is cursed. According to Shuichi Saito, the withdrawn...
(W) Donny Cates (A) Dylan Burnett (CA) Geoff Shaw You knew him as the Punisher. Then Frank Castle made a deal with the devil that made him the Ghost Rider....
(W) Sam Humphries (A/CA) Jen Bartel Nina Rodriguez knows there's a hidden magical world run by ruthless cabals hiding in Los Angeles. And when a giant magic beast kidnaps her...
This item is limited to in-store pickup only. Brian K. Vaughn's classic 60-issue post-apocalyptic series is now available in this new omnibus. WINNER OF THREE EISNER AWARDS. A WORLD WITHOUT...
(W) Gail Simone (A/CA) Cat Staggs A slick and ruthless Chicago hitman. A smart but downtrodden Seattle housewife. When an inexplicable event strikes these two random strangers, their bodies, souls,...